Jan 25, 2017
It's our 50th episode! To celebrate the occasion, we crack open a bottle of champagne and bring you the incomparable Nick Fury! We discuss the history of Marvel's #1 super spy and pay special tribute to Jim Steranko's legendary run on the character.
A very special thank you to all the listeners who have made...
Jan 18, 2017
It's a triple episode! Join us for a primer on the three biggest secret organizations in Marvel: S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, and A.I.M!
Jan 11, 2017
We proudly present one of the greatest heroes to be a member of the X-men, Kitty Pryde! You won't want to miss this great episode and our talk of Wolverine's teen sidekicks, putting stuff in other stuff, and... hot dogs.
And be sure to stick around to the very end- there's a little something special after the closing...
Jan 4, 2017
Join us for a conversation on the original X-Man, Cyclops! Topics include time travel, mind babies, and properties of light.