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Every other week, friends discuss a comic book character, team, or event. Jonathan, a lifelong Marvel devotee, presents and Josef, who doesn't like comics and is significantly more grounded in reality, calls bull. Expect fun, rants, and occasional tidbits of comic knowledge. 

Episode 181: The Young Avengers

Mar 17, 2021

In this (relatively) family friendly episode, we present several of Marvel's greatest teen heroes, the Young Avengers! We uncover some surprising twists & turns along the way as we give an introduction to this amazing team. 

As per special request from North of the border, we've cleaned up this episode, replacing all...

Mar 17, 2021

In this (relatively) family friendly episode, we present several of Marvel's greatest teen heroes, the Young Avengers! We uncover some surprising twists & turns along the way as we give an introduction to this amazing team. 

As per special request from North of the border, we've cleaned up this episode, replacing all...

Mar 3, 2021

On our latest episode, we take our time dissecting the fastest man in the Marvel universe, Quicksilver. Come to learn how many fathers Quicksilver has had and stay to find out whether cows have horns! It's a wild ride this week...