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Every other week, friends discuss a comic book character, team, or event. Jonathan, a lifelong Marvel devotee, presents and Josef, who doesn't like comics and is significantly more grounded in reality, calls bull. Expect fun, rants, and occasional tidbits of comic knowledge. 

Dec 22, 2021

Ever wonder what Marvel's take on the Justice League would look like? Wonder no more, as we bring you the Squadron Supreme! We particularly focus on the 1985 mini-series of the same name, digging into what makes this lesser known group great!

Dec 8, 2021

A mere half year after its theatrical release, we get around to discussing the Black Widow movie- timely! You know you want to know what your favorite podcasters think about this big piece of the MCU canon!

SPOILER ALERT: It should go without saying, but we're gonna spoiler every part of this move, so if you care about...