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Every other week, friends discuss a comic book character, team, or event. Jonathan, a lifelong Marvel devotee, presents and Josef, who doesn't like comics and is significantly more grounded in reality, calls bull. Expect fun, rants, and occasional tidbits of comic knowledge. 

Feb 16, 2022

By special request, we bring you one of Spider-Man's most persistent villains, Chameleon! Join us to learn how you, too, can become a supervillain through the power of pockets!

Feb 2, 2022

Strap in, 'cause we're bringing you our thoughts on Marvel's The Eternals! We'll talk to you about ancient aliens, DC chracters in the MCU, and wasted potential. 


SPOILER ALERT: We discuss all the stuff in The Eternals, so if you really want to see the movie unspoiled maybe wait on this episode.