Dec 20, 2023
I hope you've been nice and not naughty, because it's time for our ho-ho-holiday special, 2023 edition!
I might humbly suggest you enjoy Episode 45 before listening to this one...
Nov 22, 2023
Where do superheroes go with their trauma? No, after they beat on criminals... No, after they risk their lives for... It's the therapist, OK? They should almost all see a therapist. Unfortunately, Marvel only has one non-evil psychoanalyst, and that's Doc Samson!
Nov 8, 2023
Behold, the silent scavenger! Majestic wings spread, bald scalp shines, he circles his prey. With a swooping dive, he... yoinks a briefcase and gets whomped by Spider-Man.
That's right, it's The Vulture! One of Marvel's oldest villains (in more ways than one).
Oct 25, 2023
Warning: this is gonna get confusing. We discuss the long history of Marvelman/Miracleman/totally not Captain Marvel. Even Jon is lost by the end...