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Every other week, friends discuss a comic book character, team, or event. Jonathan, a lifelong Marvel devotee, presents and Josef, who doesn't like comics and is significantly more grounded in reality, calls bull. Expect fun, rants, and occasional tidbits of comic knowledge. 

Jan 18, 2023

You want weirdos? Well we've got a double-barrel load of the strangest characters our listeners could find! You know the drill: some are real, some are fake, and it's up to Josef to determine which is which! 

Nov 24, 2021

Welcome to 200! We're thrilled to celebrate this landmark with our wonderful fans! What does this episode hold? Enjoy the surprise along with Josef!

Jan 22, 2020

We put out the call and our listeners answered! This week we bring characters suggested by the Marvelers out there: some real, some they created. Can Josef tell the difference?

Mar 6, 2019

For this very special episode, our listeners gave us some very interesting characters: can Josef determine which are Marvel & which are listener creations? You don't want to miss this wild episode