Aug 31, 2016
This week, we present the favorite son of K'un Lun, Iron Fist! The longtime partner of Luke Cage is presented along with kung fu fever, living weapons, and cultural appropriation.
Aug 24, 2016
It's the baddest hero in the Marvel Universe; the original Hero for Hire: Luke Cage! We discuss blaxploitation, classism in comics, and how heroes make ends meet.
Aug 17, 2016
It's the episode everyone demanded: Squirrel Girl! You won't want to miss our conversation about the star of one the greatest comic series of the last decade. We also discuss the Great Lakes Avengers, nuts, and Squirrel Galactus.
Aug 10, 2016
We dig deep into the Marvel bench to bring you Star Brand. In this episode, we discuss Marvel's New Universe, Pittsburgh, and what kind of comic appeals to an 11 year old.
Aug 3, 2016
Marvel, Marvelers, at this, our largest subject: Ego, The Living Planet! We discuss his origins, Ghostbusters, and the late Jack Davis in this planet-sized episode.