Jul 26, 2017
Have you seen Spider-Man: Homecoming yet? Wonder what your favorite podcasters have to say about it? We have no idea, but the Marveling team has some thoughts...
As with all our past movie reviews, this will a spoiler filled review. We highly recommend watching the film before listening.
Jul 19, 2017
We proudly present one of Marvel's fiercest characters: X-23, AKA Laura Kinney. Learn about the current Wolverine, Logan's teaching techniques, and how not to raise children.
Jul 12, 2017
In this week's episode of Marveling at Marvel's Marvels we tackle Blade the Vampire Killer! Though we start off with a new segment "40 is the New 20" wherein Josef explains living as a millennial to Jon & Allen. This is followed by an in depth discussion of Blade through the years & many diversions. Enjoy!
Jul 5, 2017
Some heroes are weirder than others... We present one of Marvel's stranger heroes- Jack Kirby's own Machine Man! Discover the depths of the odd as we chat on 2001, Inspector Gadget, and NextWave.