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Every other week, friends discuss a comic book character, team, or event. Jonathan, a lifelong Marvel devotee, presents and Josef, who doesn't like comics and is significantly more grounded in reality, calls bull. Expect fun, rants, and occasional tidbits of comic knowledge. 

Jun 19, 2024

More than any other comic, our fans have wanted Josef to read Deapool Kills the Marvel Universe. Well, never let it be said we're not crowd pleasers. Check out this episode to see what your favorite comic hater has to say about it!

Oct 14, 2020

Join us for a detailed discussion of the recent comic series' that redefined the X-Men: House of X and Powers of X. Spoilers abound, so you may wish to listen after you've read the comics. Or not- Josef didn't & it had no impact on his enjoyment.

Jul 8, 2020

In this episode we discuss Truth: Red, White, and Black, the landmark 2003 comic by Robert Morales and Kyle Baker. The series presents the story of African-American soldiers experimented on by the American government during WWII in an effort to make a new super-soldier serum. Be warned: it's a dark, sad tale...

Jun 24, 2020

For this special episode, we all read Chelsea Cain's 2016 Mockingbird series! Join us as discuss and share our thoughts on this series. Needless to say, there will be spoilers- if you haven't read it already, we recommend doing so before listening.

Jun 12, 2019

For this very special episode, we got Josef to read a whole mess o' comic books!!

In addition to Marvel's 2019 Free Comic Book Day offerings (Avengers & Spider-Man), he read two trade paperback collections: the first volumes of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl ("Squirrel Power") and Matt Fraction's Hawkeye ("My Life as a...